Fifth Proyect - Summary "Romeo and Juliet" Cavanzo Jimenez Axel Yair 462-A

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is a literature of the romantic tragedy genre where the main characters (Romeo and Juliet) go through obstacles that prevent them from loving each other. Rewritten by William Shakespeare and published in 1597.

The story begins with the fight between two armed forces between Montesco and Capulesco, then comes the prince of Verona who stops this and creates a peace agreement.
To celebrate this agreement, it is decided to perform a dance where both lineages will attend.
Already at the meeting, for the first time, Romeo meets Julieta and, amazed at her beauty, forgets that she was previously depressed by bad love. They decide to know each other and both declare their love for the first stay.
They decide to marry and they are hunted by Fray Lorenzo who assists them to marry them in order to try to unite the families in conflict

At one point, Romeo finds himself in a fight where Juliet's cousin Teobaldo has been offended that Romeo was not originally invited to the dance. After a fierce and dangerous fight, Teobaldo is killed and the prince decides to exile Romeo because of this.
Juliet cries for the departure of Romeo and her parents, confused, decide to marry her to Count Paris.
Juliet decides to take a position to simulate her death and avoid that wedding, a position that will only make her go into a coma. She writes a letter to Romeo where she tells him about this so that she can run away and live together.
The posima made its objective, put Julieta in a coma, but the letter failed since it did not reach its destination.
Juliet's family find her "dead" body. Discouraged that same afternoon they decide to bury her.
At night, Paris arrives at the cemetery where Juliet was buried, still alive, then Romeo arrives, who arrived there to say goodbye to his beloved without knowing his plan, and is mistaken for a grave-robber. Paris on behalf of his beloved "deceased" protects his beloved with the sword, but he loses and dies before Romeo.

Not knowing anything about the plan, Romeo finds Juliet dead and cries. Previously he got a bottle of poison and decides to drink it because he doesn't have to live without his wife. Juliet wakes up and when she sees her husband dead, she decides to stick a knife to die in an act of love so as not to live without each other.
