
Project Four - Fight Depression | 462-A Cavanzo Axel-Jiménez Itzel

ACADEMIC DEPRESSION Due to issues I can't control, I created a Facebook page where I am posting motivational articles and phrases that I hope will help improve anyone's mood. Statistically, depression is the most common mental illness in the world (WHO 2020). This disease is generally one of the consequences of terminal illnesses, since terminally ill patients usually develop some depression. With this page I wanted to create an environment where you can express the feelings of people and those same people feel identified by these phrases, in order to create an identity within practically anyone. We managed to get more than 2,000 people to pass this on to them, and we hope that at least among those people there is someone who has been encouraged to rejoice. When will depression end if sadness has lived in our minds since we are thinking? Be happy, do sports, seek a passion and make friends, do not let people affect you and above all love yourself: 3

Fifth Proyect - Summary "Romeo and Juliet" Cavanzo Jimenez Axel Yair 462-A

Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is a literature of the romantic tragedy genre where the main characters (Romeo and Juliet) go through obstacles that prevent them from loving each other. Rewritten by William Shakespeare and published in 1597. The story begins with the fight between two armed forces between Montesco and Capulesco, then comes the prince of Verona who stops this and creates a peace agreement. To celebrate this agreement, it is decided to perform a dance where both lineages will attend. Already at the meeting, for the first time, Romeo meets Julieta and, amazed at her beauty, forgets that she was previously depressed by bad love. They decide to know each other and both declare their love for the first stay. They decide to marry and they are hunted by Fray Lorenzo who assists them to marry them in order to try to unite the families in conflict At one point, Romeo finds himself in a fight where Juliet's cousin Teobaldo has been offended that Romeo was...

Summary "Burger King..." - Cavanzo Jimenez Axel Yair 462-A

QUICK FOOD CHAINS ELIMINATE "HARMFUL" INGREDIENTS FROM YOUR PRODUCTS. HOW SO BENEFIT IS THIS? The fast food chain Burger King has launched an advertising campaign where it exposes its Whopper Burger with bluish and hairy mold, this after being 34 days without any preservative in its ingredients.  What are they trying to do? The scientist Lisa Lefferts says that they are just tricks so that the company looks good when making their meals more "natural", a trick because it says that the ingredients that companies eliminate from their recipes are of minimal health impact and that if they eliminate Components such as sugar or salt would be much more beneficial. McDonald's, Chipotle Mexican Grill and Wendy's have made similar announcements such as removing artificial components or using only natural ingredients in their food. How much can we trust companies that the only thing they want is to cover themselves with money? Well, it would be bette...

Summary "U.N. says African´s..." - Cavanzo Jimenez Axel Yair 462-A

TERROR FOR CROPS: SPROUT OF SALTAMONTES IN EAST AFRICA. African farmers have been suffering the fury of nature due to a sudden outbreak of grasshoppers in their crops that would be the food of their families. The UN has responded for these terrible events. They have commented that it will take more than $ 76 million to be able to spray pesticides on the crops, unfortunately that money is not possible to afford and the situation is increasingly aggravated by the lack of food that comes with the problem. It is needed at least for April or else it will not be possible to support the farmers. So while the farmers, terrified of their future, will observe how the more than 60km of lobster swarms will destroy their family's food ...

Summary "Watch What I Do" - Cavanzo Jimenez Axel Yair 462-A

WHATCH WHAT I DO Layla es una joven que comparte amistad con otras 2 jovenes, aunque realmente tiene malas relaciones con una de ellas, Nikki, quien tiene ciertos celos hacia Layla. Ademas, la historia tiene un trasfondo de desconfiansa propia (de Layla) hacia volver a jugar basquetball, ya que mientras ha ido creciendo ha perdido esa pasion que tenia al basquet a pesar de lo buena que era. Mientras el trio de amigas paseaban, se encontraron con un grupo que jugaban baloncesto y cuando el balon callo cerca de Leyla, ella en su intento de recordar su viejos juegos, tira y encesta el balon. Los chicos quedan impresionados y la invitan a asistir a un entrenamiento. Aunque con duda, asiste y tiene que ponerse un uniforme, a lo que Nikki reacciona burlonamente y provoca que Leyla tenga un ataque de nervios. Leyla huye y su amiga la alcanza y trata de tranquilizarla, pero llega Nikki burlandose de la fotografia que le tomo a Leyla, entonces ella provoca que se le rompa el celular ...

LA BOHÈME - Second Proyect 462-A

LA BOHÈME                      19 January, 2020    Second Project                                   Cavanzo Jimenez Axel Yair 462 - A La Boème is an opera composed by Giacomo Puccini and libretto (in Italian) by Giuseppe Giacosa and Luigi Illica. Launched in 1897. The story tells the company of 4 artists who share a penthouse as a home in the Latin Quarter of Paris, France. Mainly the story focuses on the love of a dressmaker named Mimi and one of the artists, the poet Rodolfo. It is divided into 4 acts. The first, entitled "In the attic room of the four bohemians" presents the bohemians (artists), who are: Rodolfo, the poet Marcello, painter Colline, a philosopher Schaunard, a musician. The four appear on stage, making it clear that they are poor, have no food, but are very cold. (too much cold) The ...

Summary "Puerto Ricons..." - Cavanzo Jimenez Axel Yair 462-A

EARTHQUAKE IN PUERTO RICO THAT AFFECTS THOUSANDS OF FAMILY An earthquake occurred on January 7, 2020, of a magnitude of 6.0, affecting thousands of Puerto Rican families who have left them without basic services, such as water, electricity; some more homeless so they have had to take in shelters that the US government has launched to support these families. Since December 28 of last year, small telluric movements have been happening in the area that, some have been imperceptible. This earthquake will not be the last, as experts say that this is just one of the many strong tectonic movements that can be fowl because of the aftershocks. Today, hundreds of families, children, youth and adults suffer from this event due to landslides in their homes and some public places like schools. A big support to Puerto Rico. strength!