
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2019

Summary "High school..." - Cavanzo Jimenez Axel Yair 462-A

  SOCCER LINEMEN SUFFER FROM MOCKERY DUE TO HIS SIZE In American football there are 3 main positions for a balanced game: .- Offensive. Who is responsible for scoring in the area of ​​the opposing team? .- Defensive. Your duty is to prevent the offenses of the opposing team from reaching your area .- Lineman. They must block the offensive, attack them. The latter are victims of rejection and mockery due to their large size. agreement of a video in networks where a walrus is compared with this line of defense - offensive. Thanks to this, different young people with positions of lineman have expressed their disgust with this bad image that they want to give them, creating an erroneous stereotype of fat and great people. doctors say that the size of these players can affect them in relation to their cardiovascular health because these players are forced to gain weight, thus affirming their bad image of fat people. Doctors recommend having a healthy diet and...

Summary "Hellbender..." - Cavanzo Jimenez 462-A

STUDENTS CREATED A LAW TO PROTEC THE HELLBENDER A law has been created that protects hellbenders by declaring them as the state amphibian. This is thanks to a group of students who, since high school, began to investigate them for the next 20 years. Their investigations reached the point of having the need to call on the authorities to protect the hellbenders from global warming and contamination of water bodies, the main cause of their gradual disappearance. Los Hellbender is a species of aquatic Salamanca, amphibious. The lakes live and under rocks in the eastern United States; but due to the obstruction of the rivers where they are supposed to live. Protect to the hellbender, protect to the planet