
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2019

Summary "This caterpillar..." - Cavanzo JImenez 462-A

THE KILLER CATERPILLARS Despite the fact that after a certain transformative process the caterpillars become butterflies, the caterpillars can be VERY DANGEROUS since they can create damages from a simple itching, through burns and even damage to the nervous system with toxins (poison) One of these KILLERS (and tender) of nature is the "American dagger moth" which is hairy and shiny. Precisely these are characteristics that share among themselves: bright and hairy. According to scientific studies, "hairs" are small spines where they secrete some chemical substance toxic to humans and their bright appearance is for drive away to predators. Wow, they know how to scare away! Butterflies are found almost anywhere, therefore also caterpillars, and therefore also poisonous caterpillars. In Mexico, one of the most famous and abundant caterpillars is the "whipping caterpillar (burner / hairy cat)" which, having contact with them, creates a burning ...

Summary "world war II..." - Cavanzo JImenez 462-A

RECORDINGS OF JUDGMENTS OF THE WORLD WAR II THAT WERE KEPT FOR YEARS ARE NOW PUBLIC During World War II, the Nazis were the potential antagonists in this warlike conflict. Its main objectives were to eradicate Jews, gays, and marginalized groups with mental problems and diseases. after this, many of the participants of the "bad" side were accused of various violations of the laws and, therefore, many were brought to trial before a court and a judge. Some of these legal events were recorded for posterity. Far from that,  is difficult not to get involved in the audio and feel that you are really there. these audios were protected to prevent modern collectors from obtaining them, but after so many years they decided to put them to the public for the "enjoyment" of said court audios. Now these audios are exhibited in museums in the most important about the study of audio, such as France and the United States. it is incredible to have the possibility of hea...

Summary "Saturn becomes..." - Cavanzo Axel 462 - A

SE DESCUBREN 20 NUEVAS LUNAS AL REDEDOR DE SATURNO Scientists have recently discovered 20 new moons around Saturn, thus accumulating a total of 82 moons which makes it with the planet with more moons in the solar system, this title that previously had Jupiter with 79 moons Scientists say that these new moons had not been located due to the poor quality of images that available, but thanks to the new technologies it could be finded. Maybe some new celestial bodies will be discovered tomorrow? It is believed that these moons have been created by the clash between celestial bodies in the past. what makes one think of how chaotic it once was in the universe. Saturn is a gaseous planet of hydrogen and helium. It is the second largest planet in the solar system and is positioned in the sixth more near the sun. it measures just 116,000 kilometers across This makes us think a lot about how immense the universe can be and how much we still don't know that it exist...

Summary "Forever 21..." - Cavanzo Axel 462 - A

TIENDAS DIRIGIDAS A JÓVENES SUFREN LAS CONSECUENCIAS DE CAMBIO DE GUSTOS Y MODAS young people change their tastes all the time, it is what is called "fashion"; Because of this, large clothing stores have declined not only because of this change in fashion, but also because of the preference of shopping in online stores. Companies like forever 21 are one of the many companies that have suffered this. On September 29, he declared bankruptcy, without sufficient income to pay part of his debts, so he began selling a few hundred of his stores. young people also begin to think about the environment and begin to prefer products made ecologically, clothing is one of those products, products that Forever 21 does not produce. H&M has also been suffering from this, but they have produced what people want and prefer organic clothing. they prefer online stores because they are cheap, comfortable, attractive and fun; features that are costing physical stores ...