Summary "large areas..." - Cavanzo Axel 462-A

EL BOSQUE AMAZÓNICO: EL PULMÓN DEL MUNDO ESTA ARDIENDO The Amazon, Brazil; It's burning, this has created a lot of controversy. One party says that this is a horrible event and that those responsible for this event should be punished. Other people say that the Brazilian government has not worried about protecting the life that lives in this forest. It is not known exactly how this fire started, but it is completely known that it was the cause of a human being In this year, the forest has been more of 174,155 fires and that is 85 percent more in comparison of the last year In addition, in this area, it has been deforested to make growing areas, create paper and other materials from wood and all this at the cost of destroying the home of hundreds of plant and animal species. The Amazon forest is considered the lung of the world, since most of the oxygen we breathe comes from this area. The whole world has tried to help, has been shocked and is a topic that should be...